Get objective answers about your child’s development

Free holistic assessment to understand your child’s unique development areas and one on one chat with an expert to discuss further support needs

Dr. Frank Burbach, Consultant Clinical Psychologist on why you don't need to wait to support your child's development

Three easy steps for bespoke support

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Your Assembly report will highlight six
dimensions of your child's development

What other parents say

"Very helpful and practical advice in a friendly, non judgemental environment. Would highly recommend to other parents"

Susan and Mark
Parents of a 9 year old

Meet our experts

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.

Assembly was designed by a world class team of cross-functional clinicians and researchers with over 140 years of experience.

Dr. Frank Burbach
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Burbach spent 30 years as a clinician, clinical lead, and service manager in the NHS. He has a special interest in working with families and has extensive research and leadership experience in this area.
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Kitty Jack-Thomas
Assistant Psychologist
Kitty Jack-Thomas is an Assistant Psychologist, psychological coach and former teacher. She holds an MsC in Psychology of Mental Health and Well-being and is a member of the British Psychological Society.

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The Science of Assembly

Neuroplasticity and the 6 dimensions

Our brains are constantly changing. Children’s brains are especially neuroplastic, which means they can develop and learn new skills easily. 

But the parts of the brain that help us understand other people’s actions and control our own reactions don’t fully develop until our 20s. That’s why many children have difficulties not only with managing their emotions and controlling their behaviour and impulses, but also with focusing on relevant information, setting goals and solving problems.

As neuroscientists learn more about how different brain networks function, modern diagnostic models are beginning to take into account that children can have functional difficulties across many dimensions; and that all the dimensions need to be addressed as part of a pattern, regardless of whether they pass a clinical threshold.

Early, targeted help without a diagnostic label

Many children don’t meet the diagnostic criteria for specific disorders but they still have needs. Sometimes this is because their dimensions develop slower or less compared to their peers due to genetic or environmental factors, causing functional difficulties at school or at home. We are all ‘wired differently’ to some extent but some children may be further along on a neurodevelopmental disorders spectrum.

Discover the six key dimensions of your child's emotional and behavioural development

Your free, holistic assessment is waiting

Join hundreds of other parents in understanding and
supporting your child's developmental needs